Soesters bring asylum seekers’ center protest to town hall: ‘140 asylum seekers is too many’
Dozens of residents of the Soester district of Smitsveen have objected to a possible asylum seeker center in their neighborhood in the municipal council. The municipality recently announced that it…
Mayor Leusden about the arrival of the asylum seeker center: ‘Communication should have been better’
Bouwmeester pulled out all the stops to show the council and local residents that the process with the COA was conducted with integrity, according to the Leusder Krant. According to…
Eemnes divided over priority for status holders in social housing: ‘Amersfoorters are already outsiders’
The average time it takes for a resident of Eemnes to find social housing is three years and three months, a spokesperson for the municipality of Eemnes said. The search…
Hundreds of signatures against possible asylum seekers’ center in Open Hof Soest
The objectors, who call themselves residents of the Smitsveen district on Petitie24.nl, put forward ten reasons why the Open Court is not suitable as an asylum seekers’ center. In their…
Secretary of State whistled back: bed-bath-bread scheme still remains
Van den Burg wanted to scrap the scheme, which costs about 30 million euros annually, because cuts had to be made, a spokesperson for the State Secretary said on Tuesday.…
State Secretary sees bright spots in the reception crisis in Amersfoort: ‘You also have to show good examples’
There was not only discussion about what is going well now, but also about the future plans of the municipality and COA to continue to provide good reception on a…
Ukrainian refugees longer welcome in provincial house
“Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine continues. That is why we have offered the city of Utrecht to extend the reception,” says deputy Robert Strijk. The province has been making three…
Judge puts an end to objection: 58 asylum seekers move into hotel Kedichem
The lawyers talk to each other. Would this “problem” be solved if the owner gets more rent from the tenant? But after half an hour, not much has changed. “And,…
Owner hotel Kedichem wants to prevent the arrival of asylum seekers through the courts, possibly 58 asylum seekers on the street
The lawyer of the couple who run the hotel in Kedichem says they find the summary proceedings “particularly regrettable”. After all, we are in an asylum crisis, says Marc-Jan Goedhart.…
Students and asylum seekers bridge differences in Plan Einstein 2.0 in Utrecht
Asylum seekers live side by side with young people in Overvecht. Following Plan Einstein on Einsteindreef, they will move into temporary buildings on the former site of the alFitrah Mosque.…