Tag: associations
More condominium associations are merging – to save money
In Gothenburg, the treasurer of the condominium association Visan, Niklas Bellman, shows us around the courtyard they share with the neighboring association Sången. For some time now, work has been…
Things are heating up for Meta! The UFC-Que Choisir and other associations have once again filed a complaint with the CNIL against the American company. At issue: its paid subscription for Facebook and Instagram would violate the GDPR.
Things are heating up for Meta! The UFC-Que Choisir and other associations have once again filed a complaint with the CNIL against the American company. At issue: its paid subscription…
A complaint from European consumer associations against Meta’s paid subscription system
Consumer associations from eight European countries filed a complaint on Thursday, February 29, with the personal data protection authorities against the paid subscription system set up by Meta on Facebook…
Football: Criticism of the Swedish Football Association’s timing: “It gets quite a lot wrong”
Hear Johan Esk’s criticism of SvFF in the player above. According to Johan Esk, it was surprising that the football association presented the new association captain on the same afternoon…
Isee Reform, Bordignon, Family Associations Forum: “Positive meeting with Deputy Ministers Leo and Bellucci”
(Finance) – “Today at the MEF we met the Deputy Ministers Maria Teresa Bellucci and Maurizio Leo in a appointment dedicated to the complexities that families have to face in…
The ski association’s losses may rise to millions – a tough line from the auditors | Sport
The skiing association had to present its financial statements with a minus sign of around 600,000 euros to its federal council in March. The position of the auditors changed the…
Which feminist associations are threatened with the removal of subsidies?
At the microphone of Radio J on Sunday, Aurore Bergé announced that the government intended to review the subsidies paid to feminist associations whose statements relating to the acts committed…
Accountants, De Nuccio: “Legitimacy of activities reserved for professional associations reaffirmed”
(Finance) – With “a very important sentence”, the Court of Cassation “provides clarity on the jurisprudence relating to activities reserved for professional professions and is very explicit about certain forms…
The SRU law unraveled? Associations rise up
Gabriel Attal wishes to include intermediate rental housing in the mandatory quota of social housing to be respected in each municipality. News that makes the sector jump. The law relating…
These associations now qualify for a tax reduction
This year, the finance bill for 2024 will make it possible to reduce your taxes by donating to certain associations, which until now were not part of the tax bonus.…