Tag: Antitrust
TIM, Antitrust launches investigation into Consip tender after Fastweb report
(Finance) – The Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) has initiated an investigation towards TIM to check a possible abuse of a dominant position within the scope of tender called by…
Edison, Antitrust fine of 3.8 million. Company rejects accusations: transparent communication has always been adopted
(Finance) – The Antitrust has established a fine of 3.8 million euros Edison Energy for unfair business practices. You can read it in the Authority’s weekly bulletin. The proceeding –…
EU launches antitrust investigation into Booking’s acquisition of eTraveli
(Finance) – The European Commission started athorough investigation to evaluate, in accordance with the EU merger regulation, the proposed takeover by booking of Flugo Group Holdings AB, trading under the…
Poste Italiane, Antitrust fine of 1.4 million for placement of interest-bearing bonds
(Finance) – The Italian Competition Authority (AGMC) has concluded an investigation into Italian post and issued a fine of 1.4 million euros in reference to his placement and management of…
Antitrust, UnipolSai rejects charges for unfair commercial practices
(Finance) – “UnipolSai Insurance has always paid particular attention to the management of claims, investing in the continuous improvement of processes to guarantee customer service, compliance with regulations and the…
Antitrust, fines of 5 million to UnipolSai and Generali for TPL practices
(Finance) – The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) has sanctioned by UnipolSai Assicurazioni and Generali Italia for having adopted, in the liquidation of damages RCAuto, an unfair commercial practice in violation…
the European Union will back up its antitrust investigation with new evidence
One of the two European investigations against Apple has just taken a new turn. Commission investigators have reportedly found new evidence to bolster their case for anti-competitive practice in the…
TV rights, Antitrust: green light for Lega Calcio guidelines
(Finance) – Green light from the Antitrust Authority the guidelines of the Italian Professional Football League concerning the marketing of audiovisual sports rights relating to the 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025…
Exor, Antitrust green light for the acquisition of Lifenet
(Finance) – Antitrust green light to the agreement that will allow Exor to take over 45% of the capital of Lifenet, an Italian company that manages clinics and hospitals in…
Energy, Antitrust: precautionary measure against Facile Energy
(Finance) – TheCompetition and Market Authority has adopted a precautionary measure against Easy Energy provisionally suspending any action aimed at activating contracts for the supply of electricity and gas through…