Tag: antiSemitism
French government presents new plan to fight racism and anti-Semitism
The French government presented, this Monday, January 30, 2023, a new plan to fight against racism and anti-Semitism. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, unveiled the main lines at the Arab…
Dilcrah: “anti-Semitism” against “transphobia”, a deleterious rivalry
Most French people are unaware of the existence of the Interministerial Delegation for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah). The dissolution of the scientific council of this…
The government wants to invest more in anti-Semitism
On Wednesday, he visited Malmö, which previously received a lot of negative attention due to problems with anti-Semitism. The work against anti-Semitism is a priority issue for the government, says…
Antisemitism was amplified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Disinformation and hatred of Jews have flowery on the internet since the start of the Russian invasion, aggravating a process already set in motion by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to…
Anti-Semitism: the denial of the indigenist-Islamist left, by Abnousse Shalmani
“When tomorrow the light returns, this trip will continue on the road that connects my childhood to Rosa, my son to the Shoah”, I was reading the day before the…
in Pithiviers, the fight against anti-Semitism at the heart of Macron’s speech
French President Emmanuel Macron marked this Sunday, July 17 the 80ᵉ anniversary of the Rafle du Vel d’Hiv, during which thousands of Jews were deported in 1942, by inaugurating in…
Roundup of the Vél d’Hiv: Macron denounces anti-Semitism “still burning today”
The old station of Pithiviers, in the Loiret, is one of those places of shame that the French Republic has the duty to face. This Sunday, July 17, on the…
Anti-Semitism: in Europe, the worrying French anomaly
In Budapest, on the banks of the Danube, the faces of the representatives of the main European Jewish associations seem serious. Meeting in Congress in Hungary on June 20 and…
German exhibition criticized for anti-Semitism
Documenta is one of the world’s largest art exhibitions and only takes place every five years. This year, it has been a hot topic of discussion in the art world,…
Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism: what is reproached to the ex-leader of the Labor Party
“The masks are falling: inviting and displaying the support of Jeremy Corbyn, dismissed from the Labor Party and the group for complacency with anti-Semitism in England, after 1000 complaints registered…