Tag: antiSemitism
How French Jews protect themselves against the rise of anti-Semitism – L’Express
The event had been planned for weeks. On September 8, the prestigious Hoche salons, located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, hosted the 87th Israeli Investment and Real Estate Fair…
EXCLUSIVE. Anti-Semitism at its highest in France, one year after October 7 – L’Express
These are figures collected by the National Directorate of Territorial Intelligence (DNRT) at the Ministry of the Interior, which L’Express was able to consult exclusively. These reports, relating to xenophobic…
Jewish couple wants to leave Rhenen after anti-Semitism
The couple’s situation is hopeless, he says. The misery started soon after the man and woman moved into the apartment complex in Rhenen at the end of 2019. According to…
“The instrumentalization of anti-Semitism appears to be a problem,” according to Ilan Pappé, an Israeli researcher.
Israeli historian Ilan Pappé saw his book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine reissued in France after French publisher Fayard pulled it from shelves. Pappé told RFI that this is part…
Legislative elections in France: “What is dangerous is the National Rally, with candidates convicted of anti-Semitism”
On Sunday, June 30, the first round of the legislative elections resulted in 300 triangular races, which means that 300 constituencies will have three candidates in the second round. To…
Racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia on the rise in 2023, according to a CNCDH report
In France, the CNCDH, the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, which evaluates public policy, has submitted its 2023 report on the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. All the…
this incredible defense of left-wing anti-Semitism, by Pierre Bentata – L’Express
In The Real and its double, the philosopher Clément Rosset describes this fascinating disposition of men to send “reality to be seen elsewhere” without ever truly denying it. This way…
the RN overtaken by anti-Semitism, the crime which hits the countryside – L’Express
9:02 p.m., Sunday June 9. France falls into a dizzying unknown, after the presidential announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Since then, the campaign has been in full…
The fight against anti-Semitism, a still ardent obligation – L’Express
On May 6, 2024, at the initiative of the Minister for Gender Equality and the fight against discrimination, a conference to combat anti-Semitism was organized. On a subject as serious…
Anti-Semitism is the moral victory of Islamism in the West, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express
There are 15.7 million Jews in the world. 7.2 million live in Israel, 6.3 million in the United States, 27,000 in Arab-Muslim countries and 440,000 in France. Since the pogroms…