Tag: answered
Beleaguered Seagulls captain gave a fiery speech – reigning champion answered the call and took a vital win | Sport
Helsinki Seagulls took their first win in the men’s Korisliiga finals when they defeated BC Nokia 85–79 at the Töölö Arena. SpongeBob Forsberg, Antti-Jussi Sipilä, STT Sports 12.5. 18:03•Updated 12.5.…
Public Prosecution Service demands 6 years in prison for years of abuse of daughter, cry for help was not answered
According to the woman, it happened not only at home, but also in the car, at her babysitting address and on holiday. “It’s better to ask where it didn’t happen,”…
15,000 answered – young people’s trust in politicians is falling
Trust in political leaders in Sweden is high in comparison to other countries. Ungdomsbarometer’s latest measurements show that more than half of young people aged 15–24 have answered that they…
The Question of When Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater and Silent Hill 2 Will Be Released Has Been Answered!
Home page ” Game » The Question of When Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater and Silent Hill 2 Will Be Released Has Been Answered! PlayStation knowingly or unknowingly made…
The Finnish hero’s reaction after the criticism: “Answered the burope”
Nyman’s cocky gesture was not well received in the Swedish ranks, who directed criticism at the Finn. – There was a tough atmosphere and a lot of booing going on,…
Only 10% of French people answered this logic question on television, will you find the answer?
Are you one of the 10% of French people capable of answering this logical question that appeared in a very successful television program? Take the test! The show 100% Logic…
In women’s biathlon, there would be room at the top right now – this is how Kaisa Mäkäräinen answered the “one more year” question | Sport
The women’s national biathlon team is undergoing a generational change, and many top athletes have retired from the top of the sport. Kaisa Mäkäräinen wants to give young people more…
Only 10% of French people answered this logic question on television, will you find the answer?
Are you one of the 10% of French people capable of answering this logical question that appeared in a very successful television program? Take the test! The show 100% Logic…
The Question of When Dragon’s Dogma 2 Will Be Released Has Been Answered
PEGI (Pan European Game Information) European Game Information System brought news that will please Dragon’s Dogma fans. Fans who ask when Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be released can say that…
Another new claim has been made for the design of iPhone SE 4! “What model will it look like?” The question may have been answered
The latest situation regarding the iPhone SE 4 is curious. The 4th generation iPhone SE, which is thought to be a continuation of Apple’s affordable price-oriented iPhone series, is expected…