Tag: AmEx
Amex, a useful record of $ 10.1 billion in 2024 with greater expenditure on holidays
(Finance) – American ExpressUS payments giant, recorded a net profit annual of $ 10.1 billion, or $ 14.01 per share, compared to the net profit of 8.4 billion dollars, or…
AmEx raises 2024 profit forecast
(Telestock) – American Expressthe US payments giant, recorded in second trimester 2024 a Net income of $3.0 billion, or $4.15 per share, compared to net income of $2.2 billion, or…
AmEx buys Tock for $400 million, also takes over Rooam
(Finance) – American Expressthe US payments giant, has announced a agreement to acquire Tockprovider of technologies for managing reservations, tables and events, from Squarespace, the platform that helps entrepreneurs build…