What should you do if you encounter a wolf? (And what not)
It can become dangerous, especially if the wolf is fed and gets used to people, says Jansman. “A wild animal has a natural shyness towards people. Suppose a human offers…
Will young wolf settle on Utrechtse Heuvelrug? ‘We need turds’
Amerongen – In the woods near Amerongen, a young wolf occasionally shows up, reports Wolven in the Netherlands. “The images we have so far do not show aggression, but curiosity…
Volunteer Jan likes nothing more than taking people into nature: ‘I actually think everything is beautiful’
During a walk that he goes on as a guide, he is asked how the nature in the area in Amerongen is doing. “Things are going relatively well here. If…
As a volunteer fauna manager, Jouke walks day and night in the woods: ‘I feel responsible for the nature around me’
Jouke herself is very early in the woods a few days a week. “That’s part of my job,” he whispers at the crack of dawn. “Then the animals are already…
Thousands of green volunteers are committed to nature in our region
Arie and Jan are two of the sixty volunteers who work in the same area as forester Schut. “We don’t all work in the woods,” laughs Arie. “We also have…
Annemieke finds a medieval urn in her vegetable garden: ‘It was quite a coincidence that I dug in exactly that place’
Annemieke Huibers was unsuspectingly working in her vegetable garden in Amerongen when she felt something hard. She didn’t know what kind of object it was, but she immediately thought: this…
Urn from the early Middle Ages found in Amerongen
Not much is known about that period of the Middle Ages, according to the municipality. “The find is very special to us,” says Peter Weterings, municipal archaeologist of the Utrechtse…
New DNA analysis of sheep that had been bitten to death shows: the wolf was once again in Utrecht in dribs and drabs
In the province of Utrecht, it is obvious that the wolf will try to see if there is life on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. The point is that only the roe…
Jail sentence for man from Amerongen who committed attack on house in Leersum
Leersum – The man who committed an attack on a house on the Juffersland in Leersum in 2021 has been sentenced to a prison term of three years, of which…
Cyclists cause a nuisance in Amerongen: ‘They change into their bare asses and piss off’
Not only are the parking spaces full at the bicycle café, but the parking shortage is actually a problem throughout the village. “When the weather is nice, especially in the…