Tag: alcohol
More and more alcohol nuisance in Utrecht; alcohol is banned in the Transwijk area and at Vaartsche Rijn
There will also be two new places where alcohol is prohibited. The first is at homeless shelter De Stadsbrug in Transwijk. The picking garden around the corner from Koningin Wilhelminalaan…
Fight against addictions: what the candidates for the presidential election are proposing
News Posted 8 hours ago, Reading 5 mins. Legalization of cannabis, establishment of shoot rooms, awareness of the dangers of alcohol and tobacco: the question of the fight against addictions…
Our attraction to alcohol comes from our cousins the monkeys!
For the past ten years, researchers have imagined that our human inclination for alcohol could be inherited from our cousins the monkeys. This is the so-called hypothesis of “drunken monkey”.…
Do we owe our attraction to alcohol to our monkey cousins?
For the past ten years, researchers have imagined that our human inclination for alcohol could be inherited from our cousins the monkeys. This is the so-called hypothesis of “drunken monkey”.…
Alcoholemia: what maximum dose of alcohol can the body withstand?
Alcohol tolerance varies greatly between individuals, but heavy alcohol consumption can lead to a fatal alcoholic coma. You will also be interested The world blood alcohol record goes to a…
How fast do you eliminate alcohol?
If alcohol is absorbed very quickly by the body, the blood alcohol level reaches its maximum in 30 minutes on an empty stomach and in one hour during a meal.…
Less alcohol, tobacco and cannabis among college students
News Posted 18 hours ago, Reading 3 mins. The pandemic has reduced the social life of teenagers in France and has thus caused a “significant drop” in the consumption of…
“Dry January”: not everyone is motivated to limit their alcohol consumption
The month of January is the period of the now traditional Dry January. After the holiday season and the occasional excess that goes with it, the challenge is not to…
Video: What Happens In Your Body When You Drink Alcohol?
What is really going on in your body when you drink alcohol? Here is the answer in a few points. France is one of the biggest consumers ofalcohol in the…
A very serious warning before the New Year: Even 3-4 spoons of methyl alcohol lead to death
Çukurova University (CU) Faculty of Medicine Balcalı Hospital, Head of Emergency Medicine Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sebe stated that even the consumption of 3-4 spoons of methyl alcohol leads to…