Tag: agents
In his next film he hunts down the killer of pensioner agents
Sylvester Stallone is currently more present than in a long time. After Marvel and DC appearances and his own superhero role, he will now stop a murderer as an agent.…
Agents of the Russian security service FSB tried to break the mind of Ukrainian Tetyana Vasylchenko – then they made a stupid mistake
The ill-treatment of prisoners of war as described by Vasylchenko violates international agreements. The report of the UN human rights representative (you will go to another service) according to both…
Norway expels 15 Russian ‘intelligence agents’
Norway announced on Thursday, April 13, the expulsion of 15 employees of the Russian Embassy in Oslo, whom it considers to be ” intelligence officers “. The Ministry of Foreign…
Russia: Moscow accuses kyiv and “agents” of Navalny of having killed a pro-Putin military blogger
The communication war has resumed around the fighting in Bakhmout. “In the legal sense, the city has been captured. The enemy is concentrated in the western areas”, assured on Telegram…
For Moscow, it was Ukraine and Navalny “agents” who killed the military blogger
This Monday, April 3, Moscow accused Ukraine, with the complicity of supporters of imprisoned Russian opponent Alexei Navalny, of orchestrating the attack in which a famous partisan blogger was killed…
War in Ukraine: astrologers, sorcerers… These improbable agents of Russian propaganda
With her serious air and her look of a political woman, Tamara Globa, 66, puts her hands on her knees, and answers for an hour and twenty to the interviewer…
Pr Flahault: “After the Covid, a dozen infectious agents could generate a new pandemic”
“We are at war”. On March 16, 2020, Emmanuel Macron announced the first confinement. Faced with Covid-19, France is barricading itself. The streets empty. Nature even takes back its rights,…
Georgia’s ruling party says it will withdraw ‘foreign agents’ bill that led to violent protests
The disputed bill was seen as a copy of a Russian law that was feared to move Georgia closer to an authoritarian society. The opposition announced that it would continue…
In Georgia, thousands demonstrated against the draft law on “foreign agents” – the law could put a brake on the country’s EU dreams
According to the disputed draft law, all organizations that receive more than a fifth of their funding from abroad must register as a “foreign agent” under the threat of substantial…