Tag: Advisor
The President suggested the Chief Advisor: For chronic fatigue…
Giving an interview to the 4th issue of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality’s digital interactive magazine ‘Samsun E-Journal’, Chief Advisor to the President, Member of the Health and Food Policy Board, Chemical…
Andryushchenko, Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol: 86 Turks, including 34 children, were trapped in the mosque where they took shelter
Petro Andryushchenko, Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol, said that the clashes in the city, which has been under siege for 12 days, are moving towards the mosque and added:…
Michel Barnier, European and international advisor to Valérie Pécresse
Political Tuesday receives Michel Barnier (@MichelBarnier), Europe and international adviser to Valérie Pécresse. Michael Barnier is interviewed by: – Frédéric Rivière (RFI) – Roselyne Febvre (France 24) Live-tweet @MardiPolitique #MardiPol…
ITA Airways: Board approves plan, advisor position for future alliance
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of ITA Airways, chaired by Alfredo Altavilla, met today and approved the new industrial plan of the company. During the same meeting – reads…
Biden’s Chief Health Advisor, Fauci, announced by saying “Inevitable”! Scary variant description
“It is inevitable that the Omicron variant will affect the US. It has already been detected in many other countries,” Fauci said on ABC national television. said. “THE MAIN QUESTION…