Tag: advertisement
Apple Relzo after An advertisement for 500 billion dollars
(Finance) – Exchanges over equality Apple that lengthens the pace by scoring a rise of 0.99%. The Cupertino group has announced the intention of investing 500 billion dollars in the…
Advertisement from FirstVet – The cat Snorpan reunited after a year on the loose – Aftonbladet podcast
In the big cat episode, you’ll hear about Snorpan who survived a year in the wilderness before reuniting with his family. FirstVet’s chief veterinarian Caroline Caldemar also gives tips on…
Samsung targeted Apple users again in its new advertisement
South Korea-based technology giant Samsungagain in its new advertisement Apple target users took. published in the USA Here or in the ad you can watch below, “No one should wait…
Be careful if you are looking for a VPN on the Internet! Recently, an advertisement for a famous tool appeared at the top of Google results while it linked to dangerous malware.
Be careful if you are looking for a VPN on the Internet! Recently, an advertisement for a famous tool appeared at the top of Google results while it linked to…
Instagram is testing a new advertising format, called Ad Break, which is far from unanimously approved! With this system, you will be forced to watch a 3 to 5 second advertisement if you want to continue browsing.
Instagram is testing a new advertising format, called Ad Break, which is far from unanimously approved! With this system, you will be forced to watch a 3 to 5 second…
Advertisement from FirstVet: Animal life – Euthanasia, time to say goodbye to your dog – Aftonbladet podcast
Tip us: SMS 71,000. Email: [email protected] editors: Love Isakson Svensén, Emma Lindström and Nils HöglanderEditor-in-chief, CEO and responsible publisher: Lotta FolckerStf responsible publisher: Martin SchoriEditor-in-Chief: Karin Schmidt Work at Aftonbladet:…
My vacation rental does not conform to the advertisement, can I get a refund? Our lawyer tells us how to act
View of the parking lot instead of a view of the sea, with fewer beds than expected or without the equipment advertised… Once there, disappointments are not rare. Maître Elsa…
No advertisement when the authority would hire a manager
Updated 01.40 | Published 01.15 share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen The procurement authority receives criticism from the Swedish Competition Authority after an unauthorized direct procurement. Stock photography Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT…
Pro-Israel advertisement rolled on Västerviks-Tidningen’s website: “Come in under the radar”
The Västerviks newspaper, like most newspapers, has video reports on its website. Before the clips start, commercials roll, and this is where the unwanted ad appeared. In the ad, which…
Are you constantly being listened to and spied on through your phone? You can legitimately ask yourself this question when you receive an advertisement relating to a subject mentioned during a conversation near your smartphone. Here is the explanation.
Are you constantly being listened to and spied on through your phone? You can legitimately ask yourself this question when you receive an advertisement relating to a subject mentioned during…