Tag: 1st
after the result of the 1st round, what polls for the 2nd?
THE PEN. Marine Le Pen comes second after the first round of the 2022 presidential election, which took place yesterday. The result of the RN candidate should be much higher…
Turnout for the 1st round of the 2022 presidential election: 65% at 5 p.m., down from 2017
PARTICIPATION. The Ministry of the Interior has just communicated the figures for participation at 5 p.m. The participation rate is 65% all stacks, down from the two previous elections. [Mis…
Emmanuel Macron: after doubts, what result in the 1st round? Live
MACRON. Emmanuel Macron is aiming for a second term as President of the Republic and will know this Sunday, April 10 if he reaches the second round of the presidential…
Turnout for the 1st round of the 2022 presidential election: 25.48% at 12 p.m., a low level
PARTICIPATION. The Ministry of the Interior has just communicated the first figures for participation: at noon, the French are still few in number to have taken part in the ballot…
ahead in the 1st round? What result? Live
THE PEN. Will the results of the first round of the 2022 presidential election this Sunday, April 10 place Marine Le Pen in the lead at 8 p.m.? The RN…
Dates of the presidential election: the 1st and the 2nd round, when is it? And the following deadlines?
April 10 is the first round and next April 24 the second round of the presidential election will take place, during which you will elect the next President of the…
1st round, 2nd round… Macron and Le Pen neck and neck
LAST SURVEY. The dynamics recorded in recent days on voting intentions are clearly in favor of Marine Le Pen. Here is the latest poll and our compiler of surveys from…
Presidential: strong abstention expected for the 1st round “a feeling of ineffectiveness of the vote”
The twelve candidates in the first round of the French presidential election end their campaign this Friday, while abstention, which tends to progress regularly in France, should remain very high.…
1st round, 2nd round… Macron and Le Pen stand out
LAST SURVEY. The dynamics recorded in recent days on voting intentions are clearly in favor of Marine Le Pen. Here is the latest poll and our compiler of surveys from…
Manuel Bompard: “It is possible to qualify a leftist candidate in the 1st round with JL Mélenchon”
Manuel Bompard, MEP and campaign director of Jean-Luc Mélenchon of France Insoumise is this Friday, April 8, the guest of the morning of RFI. While the candidates are throwing themselves…