Tag: 18s
French experts: Smartphones away from under 13s, ban on social media for under 18s | Foreign countries
The report harshly criticizes the technology industry, which uses its algorithms to hook and control children in order to make profits. Children under the age of 13 should not have…
A state in the USA would ban social media for under 18s – watch a short video to see what it’s all about
Utah has passed laws that restrict the use of social media by minors. Reporter Sara Salmi summarizes what the summer restrictions are about and what is known about their implementation.…
Ads for cosmetic surgery that may affect under 18s are banned in the UK
Advertisements for cosmetic surgery that could affect people under the age of 18, such as breast augmentation, are banned in the UK. Companies will no longer be able to advertise…
Cassa Centrale Banca launches the NEF Accumulation Plan for under 18s
(Finance) – Central cash desk launches an interesting initiative dedicated to young people which completes the offer “Space for us”, a package of products specifically designed to build the future…