Valorant has released a new update that brings some changes. Among them is one designed to protect you from Smurfs – players who can quickly spoil your fun.
What is this change? In the latest update, Valorant changes how quickly new players receive their appropriate rank. This is aimed at so-called smurfs. A new detection system was introduced for this purpose.
The system aims to pit smurfs against “other players of the right skill level” more quickly. However, it was not specified which accounts exactly fall under this. Presumably this applies to all accounts from level 20 that enter Valorant ranked matches.
What are smurfs? In gaming, “smurfs” are players who play with a new account but are actually much better. Among them are pros like shroud, who recently returned to e-sports – even in Valorant.
In the video we explain the term “smurf” to you in detail – as well as some other terms from gaming:
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Why are smurfs so bad? Smurfs play at low ranks and graze on real beginners there. In Valorant, a single good player can create an absolute imbalance in the match, no matter which team.
You win or lose much harder than you would under normal circumstances. This is usually not fun for either the victims or the Smurfs’ teammates.
Different games handle smurfs differently. Overwatch, for example, officially allows smurfs, while you are banned for smurfing in Fortnite. Valorant now apparently wants to ensure that the corresponding players at least don’t annoy anyone.
Patch notes for Valorant: change should detect smurfs faster
When is the change coming? The change has been active on the North American servers since July 11th. It is currently being tested and adjusted there. When she comes to Europe is currently still open.
What else is in the patch? The update also has a few other changes in its luggage. There are about buffs for Phoenix and Yoru and an adjustment for KAY / O. There are also some bug fixes. You can find the full patch notes on Valorant’s official website.
How do you like the change? Did you have a problem with smurfs or didn’t bother the dual accounts of pros and legends less? Will you give Valorant another chance and maybe return?
If you haven’t gotten a picture of the game yet, you can play Valorant for PC for free. You can find more strong shooters in our list:
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