Systembolaget’s unknown list of demands on its employees

Systembolagets unknown list of demands on its employees

Today, there are approximately 450 System company stores throughout Sweden, plus approximately 480 agents where you can order drinks.

We all know that there are many things that distinguish Systembolaget from other stores.

You may have thought that Systembolaget in Sweden never has any kind of sale or discount on its goods. It is because Systembolaget is actively working to ensure that Swedes drink less and that drinking does not decline with age. The shops have also closed on various holidays and on Sundays.

This is to reduce drinking outside in the country’s households.

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Systembolaget is closed on Sundays and during certain public holidays. Image source: Ari Luostarinen/SvD/TT

Being employed at one of Systembolaget’s stores means that you have a lot of customer contact on a daily basis and are there to help when customers don’t really know which wine goes with certain food or what the difference is between an IPA and a lager.

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Something you as a customer may have thought about more than once is how, in principle, every time you ask an employee about a wine, you can immediately get an answer about how it tastes and what it goes with.

As Systembolaget’s regular range consists of approximately 2,500 items – how can you keep track of them all so well?

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How does Systembolaget think when hiring? Image source Björn Larsson Ask/SvD/TT

Nyheter24 contacted Systembolaget to figure it all out. What is actually required of those employed? Are there any big no no’s? Do you have to be able to taste wines or can you be sober? Is the age limit then 20 or do you have to be older?

– When we hire new colleagues for the store, we are looking for you who like to provide good service, are team players who want to help your colleagues and who are interested in food and drink. You don’t have to drink alcohol, but you do need to be able to or want to learn about our drinks and about food and drink in combination, he says Teodor Almqvistpress officer at Systembolaget.

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He continues:

– You need to be prepared to work flexible working hours. Some stores, during intensive periods, start preparing and picking in the store as early as 06:00. You must know Swedish well enough to have simple conversations and read written information.

In terms of age, the minimum age is 20 years.

– You must also be at least 20 years old and you must understand that your work includes selling responsibly and complying with our sales rules, he concludes.

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