Systembolaget’s staff love it when you do it in the store

Systembolagets staff love it when you do it in the

Systembolaget differs from other stores in many ways.

Systembolaget wants to do everything possible to sell as little as possible instead of like in grocery stores where, among other things, SALE and interior design will make the customer buy more.

Systembolaget adjusts its opening hours around certain holidays when they simply choose to remain closed.

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Many Swedes shop weekly at Systembolaget. Image source: Martina Holmberg / TT

Systembolaget is also closed on Sundays, which many Swedes consider to be bad as in many other countries you can easily fish out a bottle of wine for the Sunday roast.

But what many people don’t know is that it wouldn’t really be open on Saturdays either.

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When Systembolaget started to be open on Saturdays, they saw increased consumption among the Swedes. But as the Saturday opening was in such strong demand, it outweighed when the Riksdag decided on the issue.

Systembolaget’s staff: “We love it when you do that”

Working at Systembolaget means a lot of customer contact. When Nyheter24 contacted Systembolaget, they were able to tell us that a couple of important points about the employees are that they are interested in food and drink, responsive and that they are team players.

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But that they should drink alcohol before tests and so on – that is not a must.

– When we hire new colleagues for the store, we are looking for you who like to provide good service, are team players who want to help your colleagues and who are interested in food and drink. You don’t need to drink alcohol, but you need to be able to or want to learn about our drinks and about food and drink in combination, he said Teodor Almqvistpress officer at Systembolaget.

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You can keep this in mind when shopping at Systembolaget. Image source: Martina Holmberg / TT

News24 at the same time took the opportunity to ask an employee at Systembolaget if there is anything they like a little extra when customers do inside the store. And indeed there was.

– When people shop at a grocery store, there are many people who make it easier for the staff at the cash register by turning the items with the barcode the right way so it’s just a matter of “blip”. But it is not as common with us. However, it is always appreciated when it happens, says the employee.

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