Systembolaget roars against the criticism

Systembolaget roars against the criticism

In a debate article from The Express criticize Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist (C) and Christopher Bergenblock (C) The system company. According to the writers, Systembolaget has tried to influence political decision-making processes and run so-called influence campaigns.

Now Systembolaget has published a clarification from its CEO Ann Carlsson Meyer who roars at the politicians. She emphasizes that it is those who govern in Sweden who determine which alcohol policy is pursued.

“It’s the business of politics”

In the debate article, Ringqvist and Bergenblock write that Systembolaget was critical of the proposal to allow farm sales of alcohol, a proposal supported by the Center Party. Meyer addresses this by referring to EU legislation.

– When it comes to farm sales, Systembolaget was one of several experts who were asked by the government to comment. Within the framework of that assignment, we stated that we do not see that the investigation’s proposal on farm sales in Sweden is compatible with EU legislation, writes Meyer.

– But it is not Systembolaget’s task to make decisions about this, that is a matter for politics.

“Hidden Threats”

In the debate article, the politicians write that it cannot possibly be the task of a state-owned company to try to influence political opinion through “disguised threats.”

– Systembolaget’s mission is to sell alcoholic beverages with exclusive rights and with responsibility and good service, as well as to inform about the harmful effects of alcohol, answers Meyer.

– The examples highlighted in the debate article in Expressen do not reflect how we work today, writes the CEO.

Here you can read more news from Nyheter24:

Alcohol is so much more expensive now – the tax was raised on 1 January

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