System for discharging patients is down – several regions affected

Region Västerbotten and several other regions use the Prator system from Tietoevry, to send information about patients to, for example, the municipality when they are to take over care after discharge.

– There are at least four regions that have this system and they must also have problems, says Ragnberth Helleday, object owner for care systems at Region Västerbotten.

Last Sunday the service went down. The issues have since been debugged.

“Working to find a solution”

In Västerbotten, staff can now handle discharges manually by calling, for example, the municipalities. This takes longer and can affect the time to discharge patients.

– We are working on trying to find a solution so that our employees within the region and municipalities can access the information needed in a simple way, says Ragnberth Helleday, object owner for care systems at Region Västerbotten.

– We hope that the service will soon be up and running again, says Ragnberth Helleday.

The Sörmland region has also been affected and has difficulties in discharging patients.

– It’s always very sad when systems go wrong, but we have backup routines for such situations, says Marie E Karlsson, director of communications at the Sörmland region.

At the beginning of the year, Tietoevry was subjected to an IT attack, even then the Prator system was down. According to the region, Tietoevry is working to solve the problem.

– I cannot speculate what this malfunction is due to. But it is not with us and they are troubleshooting, says Ragnberth Helleday.
