Syphilitic chancre: oral, penis, what treatment?

Syphilitic chancre oral penis what treatment

Syphilitic chancre is a sexually transmitted disease that results in a painless ulceration of the skin. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment… The point with Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

What is a syphilitic chancre?

Syphilis, also known as “pox“, is a highly contagious sexually transmitted diseasecaused by a bacterium, treponema pallidum. Syphilitic chancre is the primary phase of syphilis. It results in the appearance of a ulceration-like lesion at the point of inoculation. If left untreated, syphilis becomes secondary. “We actually observe a resurgence of syphilis especially in men having sex with men. It is an old STI whose first sign is the syphilitic chancre that can be found on the vulva, on the foreskin at the level of the anus or the throat. It’s a mucosal ulceration that is painless“, comments Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologists.

Where does a syphilitic chancre appear?

Syphilitic chancre appears most often on the genitals and more precisely at the base of the glans in men and at the level of the vulva in the woman. More rarely, the syphilitic chancre can be localized near the blocked. Symptoms usually occur within three weeks of unprotected intercourse.

What causes a syphilitic chancre?

“The syphilitic chancre is the first symptom of syphilis which is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is transmitted during unprotected sex with a person who has syphilis.“, indicates the gynecologist. It is the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which belongs to the family of spirochetes, which is in question.

What is a syphilitic oral chancre?

Oral syphilitic chancre is also a form of primary syphilis. It is transmitted unprotected oral sex. It can appear at the lip, tongue, palate or tonsil.

What is a syphilitic chancre on the penis?

Syphilitic chancre on the penis results in the appearance of an ulcerous lesion (a kind of rounded wound) and painless in the glans or the balano-preputial groove which corresponds to the area between the glans and the penis.

Sexual intercourse should be protected until recovery.

What are the symptoms of a syphilitic chancre?

During the first phase of the disease, one of the most typical manifestations is the appearance of a chancre, a small hard lesion which is located mainly at the level of the genitals, often at the base of the glans in men and at the level of the vulva in women. Canker is teeming with bacteria and is highly contagious. The chancre is a lesion located on the surface, rounded, pinkish in color, hard, its particularity is to be painless, which is why it often goes unnoticed.

What is the diagnosis of a syphilitic chancre?

In case of canker-like lesions, a blood test with serology confirms the infection, but this examination is only positive after 10 days of infection. A dark field microscope study is possible in the early stages but not all laboratories are equipped for this type of examination. However, the chancre is so characteristic that a doctor can make diagnosis on examination and confirm a little later with a blood test.

What treatment to cure a syphilitic chancre?

If confirmed, antibiotic treatment with penicillin must be set up, a search for other sexually transmitted infections must be undertaken, and partners must also be screened and treated if necessary. Sexual intercourse must of course be protected until recovery.

Thanks to Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist, author of My Gynecological Survival Guide published by Marabout.
