Synthetic alcohol is supposed to take away the hangover

It may sound like fiction, but the fact is that it may soon become a reality on the market.
The new synthetic alcohol should neither make you hungover nor addicted – but there are still several question marks surrounding the new intoxicating drink.

Avoiding a hangover despite a serious night out is a feeling most people would find pleasant. This can now become a reality. Researchers in Great Britain have developed a new type of alcohol that should prevent this very thing.

– It sounds too good to be true and if something does, it’s usually like that too, says doctor Mikael Sandström in Efter fem.

Question mark how dangerous the alcohol is

It is the researcher David Nutt who, together with his research team, developed the new synthetic alcohol Alcarelle. It is designed to only affect certain signaling substances in the brain, the so-called GABA receptors, and in this way you will neither get hungover nor addicted. But there are several question marks with this new alcohol that must be answered, says Dr. Mikael.

– Most of the drugs we have are dangerous in one way or another, says Mikael, referring to the fact that alcohol is also a type of drug.

“Would be rejected immediately”

It is the safety testing that is a decisive factor, he believes, as it would mean that a billion-dollar industry opens up to replace today’s alcohol. But the tests are difficult, alcohol as we know it today would have a challenge to pass these tests.

– If alcohol, i.e. ethanol, were tested today, it would be rejected immediately, says Dr. Mikael.


This is how the new synthetic alcohol works

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