Symptoms are chest pain, numbness and sweating! What is a panic attack? What to do in a panic attack?

Symptoms are chest pain numbness and sweating What is a

Briefly, panic attacks are defined as intense distress or anxiety attacks that occur suddenly and recur from time to time, leaving people terrified. It usually gets progressively worse and peaks within 10 minutes, often disappearing after 10-30 minutes. Psychiatrist Specialist. Dr. Tuba Erdogan gave information about the subject.


  • chest pain or tightness in the chest,
  • palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, choking,
  • dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting
  • numbness or tingling
  • Feeling yourself or others changed, strange and different
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • The fear of death


Panic Disorder, on the other hand, is a mental disorder in which there are recurrent and unexpected panic attacks and a constant worry that there will be other panic attacks in the times between attacks, and some behavioral changes as a precaution against the attacks and their possible bad consequences.

In the treatment of panic disorder, recovery is aimed with drug treatments and some therapy methods.

We see that the most important factor in drug treatment is the anxiety about drugs in this group of patients. This situation is actually understandable. Because the nature of the disease is the fear of something bad happening, it usually explains the expectation that the drug may harm the patient himself. At this point, the drugs should be explained to the patients thoroughly and their concerns should be relieved. This will increase patients’ compliance with treatment.

The other treatment method is cognitive behavioral methods. There are two purposes in this treatment method. It is aimed to inform the patient about the disease, just like drug information, to correct his wrong information and beliefs, and to teach him to cope with these symptoms without fear.

Even explaining the anxiety disorder in a way that the patient can understand and explaining which symptom causes it makes a serious progress.


The main methods in these therapies are to gradually compare the patient with places and situations that he avoids being alone for fear of having a panic attack, and to support him with behavioral methods such as various practice assignments.

Similarly, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, regular sleep eating patterns and sports activities are also recommended during an attack.

It is known that the best result is achieved with a combination of medication and therapy.

Finally, perhaps the most important thing for this disease, which is so widely known and talked about, is not to be a doctor and to get support when necessary.
