Sylvester Stallone’s best movie is a ’90s sci-fi smash because he finally gets to make fun of himself

Sylvester Stallones best movie is a 90s sci fi smash because
Sylvester Stallone is a legend. The action star has countless blockbusters and cinema hits under his belt – and the best known are the representatives of the grandiose Rocky and Rambo series. His best role, however, comes in the 1993 sci-fi fun Demolition Man. Stallone’s Best Role: That’s what Demolition Man is about

In Demolition Man, Stallone embodies the tough cop John Spartan, who is held responsible for the deaths of countless hostages after a failed mission. A new criminal case attacks: Together with his mortal enemy, the psychopathic professional criminal Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), he becomes without further ado frozen.

36 years later it is thawed again in the utopia of the year 2032. The reason: Phoenix has escaped and the now absurdly peace-loving society of San Angeles (a merger of several Californian cities) can’t defend himself against the ruthless 90’s psychopath. So Spartan should go back for the prospect of pardon. And lets it rip from the start.

Sylvester Stallone finally shows his comedy cannon in Demolition Man

Demolition Man is bursting with creativity. The film’s unique script ideas and quirky trashy look alone should put it at number one when it comes to Stallone’s best films. Swear words will be punished in the future, there are rat burgers for that. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the greatest presidents of the USA. Instead of toilet paper, the society of the future will use three mussel shells. Pizza Hut is a starred restaurant.


Stallone and Snipes in Demolition Man

Contrary to the dramatic role in Rocky or his action hero in Rambo II – The order Stallone can also finally let off steam successfully as a comedy cannon. When he lets out a barrage of swear words and rakes in dozens of fines or finds himself overwhelmed by a newfangled toilet, that’s something new for the actor.

Although there were comedies with Stallone before, like the colorless Oscar – from bad to worse or the total failure Stop! Or my mommy will shoot!. But here he functions as a really funny gag supplier for the first time.

Demolition Man is a declaration of love and at the same time a parody of the action 80s

His role isn’t deep like Rocky Balboa or invincible like John Rambo. But Spartan is Stallone’s ideal mix of crude action hero, self-deprecating caricature and an almost tragic character who falls completely out of time. Demolition Man is with that mix from minute 1 to 115 nothing else than completely entertaining.


Stallone gets fines for swear words in Demolition Man.

Perhaps the best thing about Stallone’s character and Demolition Man as a whole is how mischievously one of the biggest action stars of the 1980s made fun of himself. When his future colleagues call him because of his brute nature insecure heterosexual man characterize, the film softens the cliche role that some are so fond of reducing Stallone to. The willingness with which the actor teases his greatest performances makes the film doubly likeable.

The action star has been a big fan of the sci-fi highlight for 29 years, which he considers greatly underestimated. In fact, Demolition Man is almost lost in Stallone’s filmography between classics like the Rambo series and new franchises like The Expendables. But maybe it’s okay not to make a franchise out of this gem. So he always remains a discovery for new generations of fans.

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