Sylvester Stallone is furious over new Rocky movie and apologizes to fans

Sylvester Stallone is furious over new Rocky movie and apologizes

A few days ago we received the news that a new film in the Rocky franchise is in the works. After Sylvester Stallone passed the baton to Michael B. Jordan in the Creed films, the Story of Drago be told, which was played in Rocky IV by Dolph Lundgren.

As it turns out, Stallone knew nothing about the project. The actor and director vents his anger on Instagram. His criticism is primarily aimed at producer Irwin Winkler, who Stallone believes the brand behind his exploitsalthough he is the one who created them.

Rocky spin-off on Drago: Sylvester Stallone is really angry about the new spin-off

Stallone, who wrote the screenplay for the first Rocky film, has repeatedly criticized Winkler’s handling of the brand. Now he finds more drastic words.

Another heartthrob…just found that out…again this ridiculous 94 year old producer and his idiotic useless vulture kids, Charles and David, are gnawing at the bones of another wonderful character I created without even realizing it to say.

Stallone never wanted the Rocky legacy to look like this.

I apologize to the fans for that. I never wanted the Rocky characters to be exploited by this parasite. I have nothing but respect for Dolph [Lundgren]but I wish he’d told me what’s going on behind my back.

You can watch the trailer for Creed here:

Creed – Trailer (German) HD

In another Instagram post, Stallone follows up and refers to Winkler as the “most hated, untalented and pathetic producers” in Hollywood. MGM, the studio that owns the Drago film is in developmenthas not yet commented on the conflict.

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How do you feel about dealing with the Rocky brand?
