Syllogomania: causes of excessive accumulation, what to do?

Syllogomania causes of excessive accumulation what to do

The animator Stéphane Bern suffers from syylogomania, a pathology which results in the compulsive accumulation of useless objects. We take stock of the causes and the diagnosis with Dr. Béatrice Millêtre, doctor of psychology.

Hoarding designates a pathology that manifests itself by a compulsive hoarding. It makes the place of residence of the affected person unlivable. This disorder is often intertwined with other psychological problems. Animator Stephane Bern is reached. In Paris Matchin 2020, he revealed his “knock”, there “hoarding” : “I keep everything, I don’t throw anything away.” It’s what syllogomania? What are the causes ? What test to know ? How make it out ?

Definition: what is syllogomania?

Syllogomania is a “psychic disorder, a pathology that results in the compulsive accumulation of useless objects, bulky, dirty, even dangerous without using them. The affected patient will have extremely difficult to get rid of these objectssays Béatrice Millêtre, doctor of psychology. “But there is no emotional aspect : a mother who keeps her child’s first pajamas is not necessarily a syllogomaniac“says the psychologist. The disorder of syllogomania excludes sentimental value of items. It is the useless side of the object that characterizes the disorder. The pathological accumulation of objects that overflow until making the unlivable house in the functional sense. “We can no longer use the kitchen, objects are piled up everywhere. It is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder“adds our interlocutor.

“In general, this disorder occurs at adolescence, step by step. Syllogomania is related to other psychological issues such as the schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress, hyperactivity, etc.. At the extreme of syllogomania, we fall into the Diogenes syndrome“replies Dr. Béatrice Millêtre.

What test to know if you have hoarding?

A distinction must be made between pathological and non-pathological accumulation. “The peculiarity of syllogomania is that the patient is also affected by mental and psychological suffering by theinability to get rid of objects. Hoarding is diagnosed when there is psychological suffering and social problems. Patients lock themselves in their homes, exclude themselves from others“develops our expert.

To cure syllogomania, we make a therapy. “There combination of medications (antidepressants) and therapy will be more effective than therapy alone. We also treat the other combined pathology if there is one. The first key is the will“underlines Béatrice Millêtre.

“You can’t live with a syllogomaniac. The environment becomes unhealthy and unlivable for the spouse not affected by hoarding. The bathroom, kitchen, etc. can no longer be used” explains the psychologist. This is why syllogomania affects the social life of the affected patient.

Thanks to Dr. Béatrice Millêtre, doctor in psychology.
