Swimming: Victor Johansson set a new Swedish record in the 400 meter freestyle at the WC

3:46.20 is the new Swedish record in the 400 meter freestyle.

– Record taken, Olympic qualification secured. So it’s perfect. It felt a bit heavy, but it worked, says Johansson.

And it was about time. The previous record of 3:46.77 was set by Anders Holmertz at the 1992 Olympics and proved to hold for a full 32 years, making it the oldest on the men’s side. But that is no longer the case.

– It was really fun. Really great race by Victor, says former record holder Holmertz just minutes after the race.

And it doesn’t matter to you that your record is broken?

– Absolutely not, I’m just happy about that. It is not meant to have Swedish records when you are as old as I am, he says.

The record time was also enough to reach the WC final.

Johansson has been unlucky when it comes to championships. A golf cart accident and corona are some of the reasons why the Swede has missed championships in recent years.

The text is updated.
