Swimming: This is how the Swedish Olympic jumps can be affected by the water quality in the Seine

Tests published by the city of Paris show that water quality in the Seine is still not at an acceptable level. Among other things, it is excessive levels of E.coli bacteria that can cause diarrhea and illness.

In the Olympics, the swimming event in the triathlon and open water swimming of ten kilometers will be carried out in the river. Victor Johansson, who also competes in the 400, 800 and 1,500 meter freestyle, plans to make his Olympic debut in open water.

Olympics in Paris 2024

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  • – I understand their desire to get through the race. Not many people have swum through Paris. Being able to be one of the first in over 100 years would be very cool, he says.

    Promised presidential dip and poo protests

    The project to clean the Seine prompted both President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to promise a dip on June 23. Something that has not yet been done.

    In connection with the announcement, a movement started on social media under a hashtag which in Swedish translates to “I poop in the Seine on June 23”, with the justification that “they have put us in the shit, now it’s their turn to be in our shit.”

    Despite the challenges, Victor Johansson is positive that there will be a stir around the competition.

    – With this publicity, people may open their eyes to the fact that this is a new sport that they have not heard of. I think it’s fun that it becomes a media hype.

    Asking for a plan B

    What has been communicated so far is that the open water competition may be postponed. Victor Johansson thinks that an alternative could be to change places.

    – Moving lots of dates can be quite a hassle with the logistics. Therefore, it would be good to have a plan B.

    Tilda Månsson will compete in triathlon. She tells SVT that she is both mentally and physically preparing to perform all three branches.

    “It would of course be boring for both the sport and me if it were a duathlon, but it is not something I can influence, so I choose to focus on what I can influence,” she writes in an email.

    SOK: Make sure the organizers make the right decision

    Peter Reinebo, squad leader for the Swedish Olympic squad in Paris, tells SVT that the Swedish Olympic Committee has followed the issue closely and that the health of the athletes is of the highest priority.

    SOK also states that they are “sure that the organizers are making a wise decision”.
