Swimming pools: mistakes to avoid with disinfection products and the right actions to take in the event of an accident

Swimming pools mistakes to avoid with disinfection products and the

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    It’s hot… It’s time to dive into your pool. However, cleaning your pool must be done with caution if you don’t want to risk an accident.

    Tablets, pebbles, pastilles, powder, liquid… are all products used to disinfect swimming pools and spas. However, handling them is not without risks. To avoid any accidents, the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) provides some advice.

    A potentially risky use

    To safely enjoy swimming pools and other spas, water quality must be maintained with disinfectants. These products kill potentially harmful bacteria and prevent the growth of algae.

    However, “These products, whatever their form – tablets, pebbles, pastilles, powder, liquid – most often contain chlorine and their use without precautions is not without risks”, warns Anses.

    The agency therefore recommends:

    • Handle the product with care when opening it”preferably outside“, And “avoiding breathing any vapors that may be released” ;
    • If a prior dissolution is necessary, take care to “Always pour the product into the water and not the other way around to avoid the risk of splashing and burns. Indeed, adding water directly to the product can cause an explosive exothermic reaction” ;
    • Do not mix chlorine-based products with other swimming pool products (pH adjusters, bleach, etc.) in the same bottle: “Chlorine vapours or an explosive reaction could occur. To avoid this type of accident, it is advisable to use different, clean and dry measuring cups for each product“.

    The products should also be stored in a cool place, away from sunlight and humidity and in their original container – closed and upright.

    What to do in the event of an accident?

    If, despite all these precautions, an accident occurs, several emergency actions must be taken.

    • In case of projection of products into the eyes:Rinse immediately under running lukewarm water, keeping your eyes open for about ten minutes, remove any contact lenses.“. “If irritation persists, call Poison Control Center from your region” ;
    • In case of prolonged contact with skin : “Rinse immediately and thoroughly for about ten minutes.“. “If irritation persists, call your regional Poison Control Center.” ;
    • If vapors are inhaled: “LThe poisoned person must be quickly taken into the fresh air, in a semi-seated position, with the bust slightly inclined. Call 15 immediately in the event of serious difficulty breathing. Also call Poison Control Center in your area if respiratory irritation persists (cough, irritation of the airways, etc.)“.

    Swimming pool: how to avoid infections

    Slideshow: Swimming pool: how to avoid infections
