Swelling in your belly could be caused by ovarian cancer

Swelling in your belly could be caused by ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. Symptoms of ovarian cancer, which usually do not show many symptoms, include abdominal pain, swelling in the abdomen and stomach discomfort. Mehtap Yaşar, 53, who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of abdominal swelling and pain for 20 days, revealed diffuse fluid and a mass in the abdomen. The patient, who was found to have ovarian cancer after further examinations, was admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Opr. Dr. Uğur Çobanoğlu and General Surgery Specialist Opr. Dr. He regained his health with the oncological surgery performed by Nihat Polat.


Giving information about the operation they performed, Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Opr. Dr. Uğur Çobanoğlu shared the following information:
“Our 53-year-old patient was admitted to the Gastroenterology Department of our hospital with complaints of increased abdominal swelling and pain for about 1 month. Upon detection of a solid mass in the right ovary as a result of endoscopy and tomography performed here, he was referred to me. As a result of our examination, there was diffuse fluid and mass in the abdomen. We determined that the patient, for whom we did all the necessary tests and tests, has ovarian cancer and General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. We planned surgery with Nihat Polat. In the operation, we removed a 10-centimeter tumoral mass together with the uterus and the right ovary. We emptied 5 liters of fluid in the abdomen. We removed the tumors that had spread in the abdomen. We totally removed the appendix and omenutum, which may have sprung. Again, we cleaned the parailiac and paraaortic lymph nodes. We performed the operation of our patient very successfully with an operation that lasted approximately 3.5 hours. We took our patient, who was followed up in the intensive care unit for 1 day, to the service on the 2nd day and continued his treatment. One week later, we were discharged in good health. Follow-up and treatments in the next process are as important as the success of the surgery performed in oncological surgeries. We will follow up the next process of our patient with our oncology physicians in our hospital and continue his treatment together.”



Underlining that gynecological cancers are performed by experienced physicians in certain centers, Opr. Dr. Uğur Çobanoğlu gave the following information: “The most common types of gynecological cancer in women today; uterine cancer, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer. As in all cancers, early diagnosis is of great importance for the treatment of the disease in gynecological cancers. In cancer, one of the leading diseases of today; Many types of cancer can be treated with gynecological oncology surgery, and full cure can be achieved in gynecological diseases with early diagnosis and surgery. Oncological surgery requires a serious experienced surgical and technical infrastructure. One of the most important requirements is the richness of complementary branches. As in our patient, the process that started with Gastroentology and continued with Gynecological Surgery and General Surgery will be completed with the support of the Oncology Department. In such cases, full success can be achieved in centers with a large organization.”
