Swedish star Gustav Bergman stopped flying – moves wildly across countries for work | Sport

Swedish star Gustav Bergman stopped flying – moves wildly across

Today, Sunday, will show the messages of the Orienteering World Cup. Live broadcast on TV2 and Areena from 10:47.

From Stockholm by ship to Finland and by car to Tahko.

This time, one of the top orienteers of the Swedish national team Gustav Bergman the race trip was not very difficult when he arrived at the orienteering world cup finals in Nilsiä.

At the same time, the following family’s belongings, including baby carriages and bicycles, also traveled on the journey.

This time, part of the team followed Bergman’s example and arrived with him by car. Some flew to Kuopio.

However, Bergman often gets to make his travel plans alone. Four and a half years ago, the multiple honors medalist decided to leave flying altogether, although his sports career still continues.

– The last time I flew was in the winter of 2020. I started to realize how important and sensitive our environment is, and that we have to do something. I wonder what I can do myself.

– The first step was that I stopped eating meat, and I have been a vegetarian for about ten years. Then I decided to cut back on flying. Now that it’s possible and going well, it’s a good way to show what I believe in.

Everyone has a responsibility to influence

However, avoiding flying as a top athlete requires quite a bit of effort in the planning of competition trips. Among other things, he left Stockholm four days earlier than the rest of the team for the summer World Championships in Edinburgh.

There is enough planning work, because training must also be planned along the way.

– I decided to travel with time to the World Championships in the summer so that I can train well. Of course, it takes more time and costs more. But it’s a choice I’ve made and I stand by it. It’s often nice on the way to competitions. Then you can also do things that you haven’t had time to do at home.

During the competition trip to Edinburgh, he did one interval training in the baggage storage hall of the Copenhagen train station. And in London, he also got to enjoy a concert by one of his favorite bands, Bloc Party. You could follow Bergman’s trip to Edinburgh on his Instagram account.

You can see the stages of the journey in the video that is the main image of this story.

– I am satisfied with my decision and I believe that more people should do the same. You should think about whether there are alternatives to flying and choose it.

– I wish more people would do that. Every individual has a responsibility, and as an athlete or public figure you have a position that should be taken advantage of. I know many find it difficult. They don’t want it to affect their performance or the sport. I understand that, but we should take more responsibility.

Equality and human rights close to the heart

Like other athletes, Bergman shares sports videos on social media, but he is also active in social issues. The awakening happened already in the teenage years.

The orienteer, who grew up in the suburbs of Stockholm, did not recognize the media’s description of his own area of ​​residence, and already at the age of 14–15 he became interested in integration and education policy.

Equality and human rights have been close to Bergman’s heart for a long time. Environmental issues only surfaced later.

– I feel like I have to take advantage of people listening to me and say what I think is wrong. It’s always a balancing act because I’m an athlete and people’s interest in me is based on that. But we are all human and members of society and we should act accordingly.

After his sports career, Bergman is interested in taking a more active role in society, but is not interested in party politics or running for parliament.

– I would rather participate in grassroots movements and work on issues that are important to me. It is also a kind of politics. That would be interesting.

The individual World Cup gold is still exhausting

And it’s not time for politics yet. Bergman, 33, is still fully focused on orienteering and elite sports. The World Cup finals in Nilsiä are an important stage on the way to the 2025 World Cup in Kuopio, also for the experienced Bergman.

– This is a good opportunity to see where I am in relation to others. There is a lot of competition in the Swedish team. We have many good runners and all have only three places per distance. This weekend is the last international competition in terrain similar to next year’s World Cup.

Gustav Bergman has achieved 14 World Cup medals in his career. The first personal medal of his career came from the previous World Championships held in Finland, Vuokatti 2013, when he was in the middle distance with bronze.

There are a total of five World Championship gold medals in the trophy cabinet, but they are all from relays. Bergman admits that the more familiar Nordic terrain would perhaps be the best place to take the missing personal gold medal.

– The terrain of the upcoming World Championships is suitable for me and other Nordics. Maybe the best chance in years for me and the Swedish team.

– Of course I want to win an individual gold medal, but I also want to win relay gold. And medals are not the most important thing for me in my career. I don’t feel like the Games are a failure if I don’t win the gold medal. But of course I aim for it and hope for it.
