Swedish ski slopes towards a wet future

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In the Kungsberget ski resort outside Sandviken, it is hoped that technological development will secure skiing for a long time to come. It’s about more efficient snowmaking during the few days with sub-zero temperatures – or new snow cannons that work in plus temperatures.

– That possibility already exists today and it will be developed, but it will be an expensive snow, says Stefan Alanärä, technical director of Branäsgruppen, which operates the facility.

According to Gustav Strandberg, climate researcher at SMHI, ski slopes in the part of Sweden where Kungsberget is located do not have a future.

– They are in a sensitive part of Sweden where you have real winters, but not so cold winters. This means that a small increase in temperature can mean that you suddenly have many more days with plus degrees and without snow, says Gustav Strandberg.

Plastic carpet replaces snow

Hammarbybacken in Stockholm has chosen a different strategy and made itself completely snow-independent with a plastic mat on the slope – which can be ridden all year round.

– It feels very strange. I’m afraid of this, I’m used to landing softly in the snow, says Birgit Ekholm, after landing on Hammarbybacken’s plastic mat.
