Swedish security police: Iran uses Sweden as a platform to attack Israel | News

Swedish security police Iran uses Sweden as a platform to

According to Säpo, Iran also takes advantage of criminal networks in other countries.

19:42•Updated 20:23

Who or who threw a hand grenade over the fence of the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm last January?

Swedish police do not comment on “individual cases.” But according to Israel’s intelligence service, Mossad, Iran must have been behind the attack, says e.g. SVT.

According to Mossad, Iran recruits European criminal groups to carry out terrorist attacks, in which case Iran cannot be directly linked to them. One of the recruits would be a Swedish gang leader Rawa Majidi.e. “Kurdikettu”.

Majid has been running his Foxtrot league from Turkey, but according to Mossad information, he moved to Iran in September. There, he was given the options of imprisonment or cooperation for Iran.

According to Mossad information, many European countries are now investigating cases in which Majid is suspected of organizing his own gang organization to carry out attacks against Israel.

The Foxtrot group’s rival, the Rumba gang, is also suspected of attempting a terrorist attack against Israel this month in Stockholm at the expense of Iran.

The regional conflict has spread

The Swedish security police, Säpo, believes the Mossad’s view.

– We see connections between people in criminal networks and people connected to Iran’s security services, says Säpo’s head of counterintelligence Daniel Stenling says.

According to Stenling, the regional conflict has spread from the Middle East to Sweden.

Säpo says that the police have, however, so far been able to prevent attacks planned by Iran in cooperation with the defense forces and other authorities. However, according to Säpo’s counterintelligence chief, Iran will attack again through intermediaries.

Minister of Justice by Gunnar Strömmer information is taken very seriously. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now considering different ways to react to the matter.

Iran’s acting ambassador has been summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a hearing on Friday.
