Swedish Sandra Svensson was shot at the Fields shopping center in Copenhagen

Swedish Sandra Svensson was shot at the Fields shopping center
“Some filmed, others just stood paralyzed”

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

16-year-old Sandra Svensson is one of the victims of the mass shooting at the Fields shopping center in Copenhagen.

She escaped with a bullet in her lower back.

– It gets hot and I fall forward from the pressure. Then I understand that I have been hit.

On July 3, a man opened fire inside the Fields shopping center outside Copenhagen. Three people died and four were seriously injured in the mass shooting.

One of those who was seriously injured is 16-year-old Sandra Svensson from Kristianstad. She now wants to talk openly about what happened – because it must never be forgotten.

– My thoughts go out to those who didn’t make it. My heart is with them, says Sandra Svensson.

Sandra and her friend Juni Rundcrantz had tickets to the Harry Styles concert and were inside the mall to buy something to eat.

The girls are standing in the escalator, on their way up, when panic breaks out.

– People started running down the second staircase. At first I thought it was fans running towards the concert. Then people started running down in the wrong direction. Then I understood that something was wrong, says Sandra Svensson.

In that situation, the girls decide that they will also run away. They struggle down the escalator – which is on its way up. But Sandra doesn’t make it that far – another girl falls in front of her. She helps her up.

full screenSandra Svensson has recovered quickly after the shooting. She lives almost as usual again. Photo: ANDREAS HILLERGREN/AFTONBLADET
full screen In her spare time, Sandra Svensson is involved in politics, in the Moderates’ youth association locally in Kristianstad. She dreams of working as a lawyer in the future. Photo: ANDREAS HILLERGREN/AFTONBLADET

“Falling from the pressure”

Shortly after, a loud bang is heard. Sandra’s first thought is that it is a bomb. Or maybe someone who shoots. When the next sharp bang comes and the glass wall by the escalator shatters, she realizes that it’s gunshots. Then Sandra starts running for her life.

– I thought “No, not today.” I’ll be fine.” I’m just focused on getting out.

Sandra comes down the escalator and runs towards the exit. Suddenly it stops.

– It gets hot and I fall forward from the pressure. Then I understand that I have been hit. Then I hear the sound of the gunshot. It feels like it came afterwards.

Sandra has been hit at height with the right hip. A bullet has penetrated her lower back and she has shrapnel injuries. Despite that, she is quickly back on her feet and continues to run.

– It doesn’t hurt then. I’m so full of adrenaline. I think “I have to get out of here”.

Sandra glances back just as she gets back to her feet. Then she sees the perpetrator standing above the escalators. He is facing away from her and holding a rifle. Then Sandra runs as hard as she can.

full screen A 22-year-old man is in custody for three murders and four cases of attempted murder. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
full screen Three people died in the mass shooting. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Didn’t get any help

As she exits the mall, she takes aim at a group of people outside. The goal is to get help. She calls out to them but gets no reaction.

– Nobody helped me. Then I thought maybe it was the language and switched to English. But nobody helped me. Some filmed and others just stood paralyzed.

Bleeding, Sandra ran to a group of adults for help. But even they just stared at her. Then she decided to try to run to the arena. Because she knew that there used to be paramedics at concerts.

Sandra was almost there when a young Danish couple caught up with her. They had seen her injury and ran after her. One of them grabbed her arm and supported her. Sandra told them to help her stop the bleeding. They took off their shirts and pressed against her wound. At the same time as they called sos.

Sandra was taken by ambulance to Herlev hospital. There, doctors determined that she was seriously, but not life-threateningly injured.

Meanwhile, best friend Juni Rundcrantz has also been very worried. They lost each other in the commotion. Juni had fled down the escalator and into a door she thought led out. But instead she was stuck in a large toilet together with about 15 others. After a while, she got hold of Sandra on the phone, who says that she has been shot. Then the call is disconnected.

– I was terrified. Because I didn’t know how serious it was, says Juni Rundcrantz.

full screen Sandra Svensson, 16 years old, and her friend Juni Rundcrantz, 17 years old, ended up in the middle of the mass shooting at the Fields shopping center, outside Copenhagen. They lost each other in the commotion of the shooting. Photo: ANDREAS HILLERGREN/AFTONBLADET

It haunts afterwards

After the incident, Sandra has thought a lot about how people reacted. She is surprised that many filmed instead of helping her.

– I felt very helpless. It has haunted a lot afterwards. I can understand that some people freeze, but filming is very disrespectful and if you can film, you can also help, I think.

The fact that adults who saw her did nothing surprised Sandra.

– That it was instead a couple in their 20s and then also two young siblings who helped me – that made me wonder a little.

The feeling of strong helplessness still haunts her. The same feeling sometimes recurs in everyday situations. She has also become more vigilant.

– You are more present and don’t look at your mobile as much anymore.

Life as usual

Sandra has decided that the shooter will not be allowed to change her life. She has already started living as usual again and has visited several malls. But escalators are not a favorite.

– When you can’t see what’s coming from above – then it’s hard. When it’s a little darker or obscured visibility. It is better if the surface is open.

A 22-year-old man with a history of mental illness was arrested by police shortly after the shooting. He has been arrested for three murders and four attempted murders. The man is now in a forensic psychiatric ward awaiting trial. According to the Danish radio channel DR, the 22-year-old must, before the crime, have tried to get help by calling a crisis line.

Becoming a victim in a mass shooting has made Sandra formulate thoughts about stricter requirements for having hunting weapons. She believes that there should be a requirement for a psychological test for those who want a license for hunting weapons. And that it is reconsidered.

– Something traumatic can happen later in life. So the tests should be redone.
