Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson will open Almedalen’s policy week – the topic of the press conference will probably be NATO

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Almedalen’s politics week is particularly important this year, as Sweden will hold parliamentary elections in September.

15:32•Updated 15:57

Sweden’s traditional Almedalen politics week starts today, Sunday, in Visby, Gotland.

Chairman of the Social Democrats, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson hold both a press conference and a speech on the opening day.

  • You can follow the briefing from the video window above from 4 p.m.
  • Andersson is expected to speak at the press conference about the list of demands presented by Turkey. Turkey proposed at the NATO summit in Madrid that Sweden should hand over 73 people that Turkey considers to be members of a terrorist organization.

    Andersson said on Wednesday that the Kurds living in Sweden will not be extradited.

    – Anyone who is not involved with terrorism has reason to worry, Andersson said according to SVT.

    Almedalen criticized

    After two years of corona exceptions, it has been decided to shorten the program of the major event in Swedish politics.

    In recent years, Almedalen has been criticized more and more for excessive bloat and entertainment. This year, five days have been reserved for the program instead of eight.

    The opening day and the closing day are reserved for only one speaker. Andersson starts today and the chairman of the environmental party will speak on the closing day Per Bolund.

    Representatives of the state parties speak on other days.
