Swedish Peace has a new chairman

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Kerstin Bergeå, born in 1980, currently lives in Tanzania and has, among other things, worked as a peace observer. She will take up the post on 1 August.

“As a long-time activist in issues of peace, disarmament and non-violence, I am extremely grateful for the confidence to be the chairman of Swedish Peace. I hope to be able to contribute with the experience I have and the courage needed to hold the peace compass together and continue to push public opinion for disarmament, conflict prevention and peaceful conflict management in all situations, “she said in a press release.

At the congress, it was also decided on a statement against the application for a Swedish NATO membership, which the association believes should be withdrawn:

“The motive is to increase security for all people in this country, but the result will be the opposite. The risks increase. NATO is a military alliance based on the threat of using nuclear weapons. Sweden contributes through the decision to a more militarized and polarized world with increased tensions in an already tense situation. “
