Swedish NATO application gets green light in Senate committee

Swedish NATO application gets green light in Senate committee

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

The full-screen Senate in the US Congress is one step closer to approving Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO application. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP / TT

The US Senate has taken a first step towards approving Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO application. The Senate Foreign Affairs Committee approved the proposal almost unanimously, which means that the Senate will give the green light within the next few weeks.

The committee’s chairman, Democrat Bob Menendez, called the accession of Sweden and Finland “undoubtedly one of the most consistent foreign policy successes in recent years”, reports AFP.

White House spokesman John Kirby described Swedish and Finnish military capabilities as “incredibly modern”. He said that as new members, they would make a significant contribution to NATO’s ability to fulfill its commitments under Article 5, which states that an attack on a NATO country is an attack on the entire alliance and that all members are obliged to help the attacked country.

Before Sweden and Finland become full members, membership must be ratified by the parliaments of all 30 NATO countries.
