Swedish National Agency for Education: School and labor market out of balance

In part, it is suggested that principals and independent schools cooperate to a greater extent regionally in order to continue to meet the wishes of students but also the needs of the labor market. Another point is that the number of places in vocational education where there is a large lack of skills is increased and that the attractiveness of the education is strengthened.

The proposed efforts are part of the regional planning basis, which, among other things, should function as support in the planning and design of education within upper secondary school and community adult education.

The Swedish National Agency for Education also wants the principals, schools and industries to take joint responsibility for strengthening the quality of vocational education.

In addition, the schools and principals need to take responsibility for ensuring that the students have access to study and vocational guidance that enables them to make “wise and well-balanced choices” regarding further education, the authority believes.

“With these efforts, we can get a better dimensioning of upper secondary education and get more students to choose educations that lead to jobs or further studies,” writes Peter Fredriksson, among other things.
