Swedish MP from Kurdish upset over Turkey deal: We have been sold because of NATO membership

Swedish MP from Kurdish upset over Turkey deal We have

The agreement reached yesterday between Sweden, Finland and Turkey is shocking for Kurds in Sweden. Member of Parliament with a Kurdish background Amineh Kakabaveh describes yesterday as a day of mourning for Sweden. He considers the agreement immoral and sees Sweden bent in front of a tyrant.

He says Dagens Nyheterille Sweden sold to Kurds to become a member of NATO. Kakabaveh, who has already rescued the Demar government in several ballots, is now threatening TV4 news according to the Foreign Minister Ann Linden by a motion of censure.

Linde’s comments on the deal are unlikely to reassure Kakabaveh.

– We will not change people’s democratic rights, but on the other hand we will significantly tighten the criminalization of various parts of terrorist activity. We cannot be a haven for terrorists. Turkey feels we took their concerns about terrorist attacks seriously, Foreign Minister Ann Linde commented on the deal this morning In an interview with Swedish radio.

Kakabaveh has previously agreed with the Demar Government on the terms of his support for these. The conditions include that Sweden will continue to support the Kurdish militia YPG, which is fighting the terrorist organization Isis, and will deepen cooperation with PYD, its political wing.

However, the agreement with Turkey yesterday promised that Sweden and Finland would not support the YPG or the PYD.

– This is fraud from the Swedish government, NATO countries and [Naton pääsihteeriltä Jens] From Stoltenberg. They deceive the whole group that freed themselves and the whole world from Daesh [Isisistä]Kakabaveh rumbles.

The prime minister is trying to appease the Kurds in Sweden

Prime minister Magdalena Andersson tried to reassure Kurds living in Sweden on Wednesday morning, saying no one who is not involved in terrorism has anything to worry about.

– We always comply with Swedish law. We will never extradite Swedish citizens, Andersson assured us On TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon broadcast.

In an interview with Swedish television SVT Andersson estimates that the agreement with Turkey will not mean much change in practice.

Turkey is Dagens Nyheterin However, according to the information, it has already provided the Swedish Security Police with a list of names of the Kurds that it is demanding to be handed over to Säpo. According to the magazine, Säpo has been provided with a list of at least ten people.

According to Turkey, these individuals have links to the Kurdish PKK, which is classified as a terrorist organization. The Swedish government and Säpo have not commented to the newspaper on the number or number of people on the transfer list.

You can follow the progress of the NATO Summit with this updated follow-up.

Also read:

The Turkish media published a list of things that Finland and Sweden undertook to join NATO

From the correspondent: Madrid talks were a positive surprise for Finland – Turkey will continue to be an unpredictable partner

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Turkey supports Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership – read President Niinistö’s historic statement

The fate of the Swedish government is in the hands of one woman – Amineh Kakabaveh : Sweden and Finland are silent in the face of a Turkish tyrant
