Swedish influencer accused of bullying: “I wasn’t ready” | Foreign countries

Swedish influencer accused of bullying I wasnt ready Foreign

The founder of clothing company Djerf Avenue, Matilda Djerf, apologizes for her behavior.

A fashion designer and entrepreneur who has become the center of attention in Sweden Matilda Djerf has commented on the bullying accusations he received.

The uproar surrounding Djerf began earlier in December when employees of his Djerf Avenue company reported public humiliation and bullying at their workplace. It was reported at the time Aftonbladet.

Now Djerf commented on the matter to the Swede For Dagens Industriadmitting that he had failed in his work.

– I have caused disappointment, he says.

In the interview, the influencer’s spouse and the CEO of Djerf Avenue also commented on the uproar Rasmus Johansson.

– We knew that there were challenges in our work culture, he says, however refusing to reveal the details of the challenges “out of respect for former and current employees”.

According to Johnson, Djerf Avenue has tried to improve working conditions in the past year, for example by collecting anonymous feedback from employees and by encouraging the disclosure of inappropriate behavior.

“Crucially important for the company”

In the Aftonbladet article that caused an uproar, the employees of Djerf Avenue tell examples of inappropriate treatment they have encountered at the workplace.

For example, one of the interviewees says that one of the employees mistakenly used the toilet dedicated to Djerf and his preferred employees, which led to Drjef forcing one of his subordinates to wash the toilet.

In an interview with Dagens Industri, Djerf explains that he needs a private toilet to avoid getting sick.

– The fact that I am healthy is crucial for the company – so that I can participate in events, shootings and meetings. I don’t have time to be sick, he commented.

Johansson, on the other hand, responds in an interview to claims that Djerf would have expressed disgust when his company’s employees had traveled by public transport. Johansson says in the interview that he and Djerfi are also public transport users.

27-year-old Matilda Djerf is one of Sweden’s most famous influencers, and she is also known outside of Sweden. In 2023, the financial magazine Forbes listed him among the 30 most influential entrepreneurs under the age of 30 in Europe.

Influencer after the outbreak of bullying has regretted what happened also on his Instagram account. In his publication he states that he had not believed that his business would grow to its current size.

– I wasn’t ready [johtajuuteen]he writes.
