Swedish firefighters rage against new EU rules: “Completely unworthy”

The country’s firefighters rage against EU rules which they believe will mean a sharp deterioration in working conditions and cause many to leave the profession. So far, more than 2,000 have signed a petition calling for an exception for the emergency services. According to EU rules, it should not be allowed to work around the clock, something that the firefighters themselves believe will worsen their entire existence. Instead of long sessions with long recovery, there will be more sessions with shorter rest. A group of firefighters has therefore launched a petition among the country’s 5,000 full-time and 10,000 part-time firefighters, because they are convinced that the new rules to be introduced from October will lead to many leaving the profession. But SKR, which represents the employers, believes that an exception is not possible. – It is not a free choice to follow the directive, says Jeanette Hedberg, head of negotiations at SKR. Hear the firemen’s rage in the player above
