Swedish farmers in unique survey: “Feels pretty bad”

Although many farmers enjoy their job, many people feel bad. Heavy workload without the possibility of recovery and poor profitability affects, especially young people and animal producers.

– Poor profitability is an overall problem. Many are tired and finalized and have a lot of concerns, says Peter Lundqvist’s senior professor at SLU.

SVT News has previously talked about the extensive study, whose background is the Swedish Agricultural Agency’s government assignment to reduce the accidents, improve the working environment and mental health among farmers.

– There have not been figures on this before. It is the first time in Sweden that such a large study has been done. Internationally, it is also unique with so many farmers in the same study, says Peter Lundqvist.

Katarina Wolf is a milk producer and chair of LRF Youth and she highlights the importance of talking and lifting social sustainability.

“It’s about time that this is taken up,” she says.

Hear more about how Swedish farmers feel in the clip above.
