Swedish diplomat freed from Iran: I’m in seventh heaven | News in brief

Iranian prosecutor demands death sentence for Swedish diplomat Foreign

Johan Floderus, imprisoned in Iran, said that he had been waiting to come home for almost 800 days. EU diplomat Floderus was imprisoned in Iran in 2022. He was even threatened with the death sentence.

A Swedish diplomat released in a prisoner exchange Johan Floderus33, commented on his release in a video released on Sunday, saying he was in “seventh heaven.”

– I’m in the air and I feel like I’m in seventh heaven. I have been waiting for this for almost 800 days, Floderus said when discussing the prime minister by Ulf Kristersson with him on the satellite phone on his flight to Sweden.

– I’ve dreamed about this so many times, but now I’m starting to realize that I’ve gotten out of Iranian airspace and that I’m on my way home, he continued.

EU diplomat Floderus was imprisoned in Iran in 2022. He was even threatened with the death sentence.

Floderus was released together with another Swede, Saeed Aziz.

The reason for the duo’s release was that Sweden agreed to release Hamid Noury, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden. Noury ​​was convicted of his involvement in mass executions in an Iranian prison in the late 1980s.
