Swedish Business: Put the shovel in the ground

Swedish Business Put the shovel in the ground

Updated 21.55 | Published 21.46

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full screen Jan-Olof Jacke, CEO of Swedish Business. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

Despite a broad majority in the Riksdag in favor of both new nuclear power and more wind power, progress towards expanded electricity production and strengthened electricity grids is moving too slowly. Now the shovel must be put in the ground, urges Swedish Business.

“From the business world’s perspective, the task is clear: we need to quickly expand all fossil-free energy types as well as the electricity grid to meet capacity. It requires significantly faster permit processes,” writes CEO Jan-Olof Jacke on Dagens Nyheter’s debate page.

Jacke believes that the state should play a more active role in ensuring that the expansion really comes to fruition. He wonders if the reason for the slowness may be that electricity prices are currently low and there is therefore less interest in the issue.

“Our competitor countries are rapidly increasing their electricity production, in a spirit of pragmatic consensus that is conspicuous by its absence in Sweden,” writes Jacke.

The employers’ organization’s CEO also calls for a research and development policy that secures Sweden’s opportunities to remain a leading knowledge nation, as well as a functioning supply of skills with reasonable conditions for labor immigration that makes it possible to both recruit the best international talent and fill the need for easier jobs.

“Decisive for both climate change and Sweden’s future as a welfare state is the competitiveness of the business world,” he writes.
