Sweden’s turn to the right: today the formal resignation of the Social Democratic premier

Swedens central bank raises rates by 50bps to 075

(Finance) – Sweden will have a right-wing government. The Swedish premier Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, has in fact announced his resignation as prime minister which will be formalized today. The announcement arrived on live TV while the last counting of the votes of last Sunday’s political elections are in progress. The premier acknowledged the victory of the right-wing coalition, supported by the ultra-right gods Democrats Swedes from Jimmie Akesson.

The conservative coalition formed by ModerateSwedish Democrats, Christian Democrats and Liberals is set to get 176 seats in the parliament of 349 against 173 in the center-left.

The far-right party of the Democrats of Sweden won 20.6% of the votes, thus surpassing the Moderates, which stopped at 19.1%, and establishing itself as the main right-wing party. Ulf Kristersson58, leader of the Moderates, will now start i negotiations with the other parties in the coalition to create a new government of which he is a candidate to become premier. Even if the Moderates are the third force, the choice should fall on him, as the leader of the far right Jimmie Akesson would have difficulty as prime minister to find the support necessary to form the coalition.

“The Swedish people voted for the change – Akesson wrote in a post on Facebook -. The process of making Sweden beautiful again begins. It’s time to start rebuilding the safetythe welfare and the cohesion. It’s time to put Sweden first. “
