Sweden’s most popular share back on top

Swedens most popular share back on top

When the Swedes’ investment enthusiasm increases, it is once again Investor that is at the top of the shopping list in May. This is evident from the online bank Nordnet’s statistics.

– Now the savers are flocking around Investor again, says Frida Bratt, savings economist at Nordnet.

Wallenberg’s bastard

Sweden’s most successful company, Wallenbergsägda Investor, is a Swedish investment company. During the past year, with sky-high interest rates and an uncertain future, the company has suffered a thorn.

Instead, the share savers have put their hard-earned pennies in SAAB, and several bank shares, for example. But now the Wallenbergs’ bastard is retaking the throne again.

– Investor regains its place as savers’ number one favorite stock. For a number of months, among other things, the reporting period and sharp jumps in a number of stocks have caused other stocks to become more central to private savers, but now they are increasing the Investor base holding again. To say the least, Investor has benefited from the large company focus that has been on the stock exchange, while a higher risk appetite has generally reduced the discount on unlisted shares, says Frida Bratt.

Another company that has been popular is the company Nibe, which has fallen in value. Since the last interim report was weak, interest is cool to say the least right now, but that could turn around quickly.

Another way to look at it is that the stock is at a bit of a discount right now – a cheap stock with plenty of room to grow over the coming year.

– Savers have bought Nibe throughout the downturn. Now the company came out with a weak report, but there were signals that were interpreted as indicating that there is light at the end of the tunnel from a demand perspective. This strengthened the savers’ still positive view of the share.

The Swedes are selling Swedbank

The sales list is topped by Swedbank, which is one of the big banks that Swedes bought shares in during the era of record interest rates.

When interest rates are now on the way down, it may be that people think that the banks will not make as much money. But it’s not that likely. However, it may very well be that your money is of better use to you in a company with greater upside than the Swedish banking giants.

Triple profit

The Stockholm Stock Exchange’s Small Cap, i.e. listed small companies, had a very positive development during the month of May. During the period that the Stockholm Stock Exchange rose by 3 percent in value, Small Cap increased by as much as 9 percent. It is a threefold development.

To get some perspective on the rise, you can compare it to the fact that an IPO must increase by approximately 7 percent in value per year in order to be profitable. Stockholm’s Small Cap managed to handily outperform it for a twelfth of the time in May.


However, investments are always associated with risk and there are no guarantees that investing in a small company fund will now mean the same rocket fuel for your savings.

But on the other hand, there is not much to suggest the opposite either.

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