Sweden’s first nude camping opens here

Many people have taken the caravan and driven out to sea – but not naked.
Now Sweden’s first commercial nude camping has opened and the reactions have been many.
– It is a way of showing that we are a welcoming destination. I only see it as positive, says Fredrik Fredriksson, who runs Wikegård’s camping on Öland.

On Öland’s east coast, you will find Wikegård’s campsite, and nowadays the area has two different orientations, which P4 Kalmar was the first to report on. One area with clothes and one without.

– It’s too hot to go to Greece and Southern Europe on holiday. We have to rise to meet the customer groups. Naturists are part of that customer group, says Fredrik Fredriksson.

Now 20 sites, out of a total of 125, will be dedicated to naturists and nude camping. And Wikegårds Lustgård, as the campsite is called, has aroused many reactions.

– We have received superlatives from our guests. We Swedes are a bit well decorated, says Fredrik Fredriksson.

“Like opening Pandora’s box”

The idea of ​​starting a naturist campsite started already a few years ago, when he got the question from some guests. And now the dream has come true.

– It is natural to meet new customers. You always have to look beyond the horizon and nobody remembers a coward. We are first.

But he finds it difficult to understand that the campsite has been noticed in several media.

– It has become like opening Pandora’s box. There is so much in the media. A little nudity should be made sensational.

And although Fredrik himself is not a naturist, he sees many advantages in it.

– I am not a distinct naturist myself, but if I find my own beach, I throw off my clothes and swim. Then you don’t have to dry the swimming trunks. It’s really nice.

Positive for the environment and the economy

That Sweden’s first naturist campsite was started by Wikegårds feels fitting, says Fredrik Fredriksson. This as they have always had a focus on recycling and the environment.

– The naturists are extra environmentally friendly, they don’t wash clothes. There is no water, he says.

Now he hopes that the new orientation will be able to attract even more guests.

– I think it’s fun that you find a new customer group and that increases turnover and creates jobs. But not for those who sell swimwear.
