Sweden’s central bank raises rates by 50bps to 0.75%

Swedens central bank raises rates by 50bps to 075

(Finance) – The Swedish central bank he decided to increase the official rate from 0.25% to 0.75%, or 50 basis points. The Executive Board’s prediction is that the official rate will be further increased and that sit will be close to 2% early next year. The central bankers of the Baltic country have also decided that, in the second half of the year, the assets of the Riksbank will decline more rapidly than they decided in April.

According to the forecasts of the central bank, inflation is expected to remain above 7% for the remainder of the year. “The risk of high inflation consolidating in price setting and wage formation has therefore increased – reads the statement released at the end of today’s meeting – The Riksbank must therefore use monetary policy to ensure that inflation returns to normal. ‘objective”.
