Sweden’s best phone number for sale

Many of us may have a phone number that we liked a little extra. Maybe you still remember number combinations that are left over from the time when you actually had to commit a number to memory – before smartphone address books made it redundant. Despite this, one thing still seems to remain: there are simply phone numbers that fit more and less well in the mouth.

And if you are a person who is passionate about the issue or perhaps simply just thinks that you have a phone number that is far too difficult to remember, then there is now an opportunity to make a difference. Now, what the owner himself believes, is Sweden’s best and easiest phone number for sale on Tradera – and the bid to take over the phone number 076-0123456 is already at a sum of SEK 30,000.

Can rise with a penny…

But if the seller’s history is to be believed, the bid may have to rise by a substantial penny before the purchase goes through, reveals tech reporter Evelina Galli:

– They actually tried to sell the phone number earlier and then the bids went up to a hundred thousand – but the seller still didn’t want to give up the number.

The –076 probably disturbs a little. I don’t know if I would have paid thirty thousand for that anyway, adds Axel Pileby, who will therefore not participate in this particular bidding.
