Sweden would return! Striking claim about terrorists: That country… “Turkey will strongly oppose it”

Sweden would return Striking claim about terrorists That country Turkey

A tripartite memorandum was signed between Turkey and Finland, which have applied for membership to NATO, at the NATO Summit held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, to address Turkey’s concerns. After the end of the critical and historical NATO Summit, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a statement and announced that Sweden had promised to extradite 73 terrorists to Turkey. In his statement, President Erdoğan stated that he would follow up whether this promise would be fulfilled. Finally, a striking claim was made regarding the members of the terrorist organization that Sweden is preparing to hand over to Turkey. Here are the details…


Line Zahl Kvakland, Head of the Asylum Section of the Norwegian Immigration Office, told the Klassekampen newspaper that if these people (members of the terrorist organization Sweden is preparing to hand over to Turkey) apply for asylum in Norway, their applications will be accepted and examined in the usual way.


Regarding the claim to apply for asylum in Norway, Professor Terje Einarsen, Expert in International Law and Refugees, stated that this is a difficult practice and that Turkey will strongly oppose this situation.

Einarsen reminded the agreement that Sweden made with Turkey for the precondition of NATO membership and emphasized that this agreement covers all NATO countries. (AA)
