Sweden news

Sweden’s prime minister is in Denmark to discuss migration.
Kristersson has a long-term goal: to introduce an immigration policy as strict as in the neighboring country.
– We still accept 70 percent of all asylum seekers in the Nordics, we can’t have it that way, he says.

Ulf Kristersson (M) is in Denmark to discuss migration issues with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S).

In an exclusive interview with TV4 Nyheternas Ann Tiberg, Kristersson talks about his long-term goal – and that Denmark is ten to 15 years ahead of us.

– Sweden still receives 70 percent of all asylum seekers in the Nordics. We receive more than twice as many people as come to Norway, Finland and Denmark combined. We can’t have it like that in Sweden, he says.

– Getting Sweden in order, that includes both reducing immigration so we can cope with integration, which is obviously very bad in Sweden, but also bringing down serious gang crime, and Denmark has shown that both things are possible.


See the full interview with Ulf Kristersson (M)

“Possible if we dare”

The Tidö agreement states, among other things, that the government and SD want to withdraw permanent residence permits, but no proposals have yet been put forward for a vote in the Riksdag. Kristersson believes that it will take time to change Sweden’s immigration policy.

– What took over ten years in Denmark to implement, we have to do that from the start, because it has not been done before by previous governments, says the prime minister and continues:

– These are big things, these are difficult things. It will take time but my message is that it is possible if we dare to do like Denmark.

Is it a Danish immigration policy that Sweden will introduce?
– Yes, you could say that. Denmark has shown the way when it comes to a strict immigration policy.

Ulf Kristersson says that he expects results “in a few years” and that several different things must be done, including tightening the requirements for family immigration, for language and for citizenship.

– The same thing also applies to criminal policy. If there had been a decision to make, it would have been easy.

Not worried about government crisis

Recently, the Sweden Democrats threatened a government crisis if the government does not stop the EU’s migration pact. However, Kristersson is not worried and believes that neither Sweden nor Denmark will contribute to an increase in immigration to Europe.

– It is completely out of the question. Sweden must determine Swedish immigration policy, he says.

On a question about the collaboration with SD and whether the party will be part of the government during the next term, the Prime Minister says that he is focusing on the tasks the government is handling right now.

– That day will come and then we will discuss all possible collaborations, but right now we have a well-functioning collaboration that four parties have been part of.
